Friday, February 17, 2012

True story of an Indian Politician- Part 1

True story of an Indian Politician- Part 1

Bhaiya Yadav was born as the fifth child in the totality of seven children of  Rangiya Yadav. Rangiya Yadav used to work as a peon at the district court. His job was to move files here and there and to stand at the door of the court and shout the name of the plaintiff, waiting for his turn outside in the big crowd outside the doors of the court. As the accepted custom every plaintiff has to deposit Rs. 20 with the babu for the next date of hearings. For a desired early or late date; this donation went up to Rs. 100/-. Rangiya Yadav, as in all the courts in India was a 50% partner of this loot. Plus for letting a plaintiff in before turn, Rangiya charged as whatever he saw as the paying capacity & the urgency levels of the plaintiff.

Being in  the business for 20 yrs Rangiya had also learnt the art of misplacing the files for months and reproducing them; whenever he desired,  after some kind of negation with the concerned party.

The purpose of telling the story of Rangiya Yadav; the father of our chief protagonist “Bhaiya”, is to tell you all that Bhaiya Yadav was a son of a very successful man. Rangiya Yadav had a 'house’  a  'gaadi’ ( motorcycle), and sufficient bank balance. The only this lacking to make this picture complete was a ’Maa’ – ‘a mother’; which Bhaiya’s father did not had. This completion he obtained from considering the Goddess at the colony temple as ’MAA’. He was often seen talking to the Goddess referring to her as Maa and requesting her to bless him that more and more police cases were filed in the district court so that he & his colleagues could benefit more from them! The day he earned something extremely extraordinarily he donated a complete set of “CHOLA” to “MAA”, and thus was convinced that whenever he died, “MAA” would keep a berth in the Sacred Heavens for him.

Bhaiya Yadav’s mother Raalvi Devi was a pious & devout lady. Apart from taking care of the house, kids & reproducing more kids, she did not bother herself with any other worldly deeds. This was her only world. She maintained that before conceiving Bhaiya, she had some seven divine dreams in which she has seen a flying dinosaur, a flying cobra, a flying Jackal, a flying crocodile, a flying Vulture, a flying hyena and in the end lots of flying pigs. She had consulted her family pundit for the interpretation of these dreams; and after a deep thought the pundit had given his verdict that “the child which was to be born, will become a big person and will fly with these great animals/birds/reptiles in the larger horizons of life”. Raalvi Devi touched the pundit’s feet, gave him an offering of Rs. 11/- and since that day Bhaiya became the apple of her eye.

 Bhaiya Yadav did not go to school beyond class two; as the entire idea of education was foolish for him. Instead he chose a more colourful & eventful career of working for a cycle puncture shop owner. He specialized in puncturing the cycles parked in the neighbourhood at nights; thus bringing more biz for the day for the cycle shop owner.

 Then to earn more for his new formed characterful habits of gambling, marijuana etc he diversified in the trade of illicit liquor. Soon he got fame, money & honour. Kachchi umar mein bada naam. In few years he also was owner of such cases as two murders, six attempted murders, several rioting, two pertaining to his grown interest in women; once he was sent outside the district for 3 months, being considered a menace by authorities. All this added to his status and now he had a sizeable fan following, largely comprising of mohalla goons. People called him “Bhia” and touched his feet.


  1. true.......? (literally true or true as you believe it to be......)

    1. Yatin, the redundant post of the same on is by choice & design. I just hope that you get to like the content of True story of an Indian Politician. Love..Jinesh
