Few decades back, all the Gods, cutting across religious lines, very worried over something, assembled themselves in one big corner of the Eden.
Of this lot for all obvious reasons maximum were the Hindu Gods & Deities; more than 33 crores, very much as mentioned in the Hindu Mythology - and increasing daily !
All Gods were terribly upset, angry and somewhat afraid of this lad, who though was born in a small town, was relatively less read & less traveled; had somehow learnt the true ways of Gods' great kingdoms. The evil creations of belief, morality, virtue, righteousness etc. formed the kingdoms of the Gods' and ensured that all human lived a suppressed life governed by God's hoodlums everywhere.
This lad told people about breaking away from the shackles of all these kingdoms and to live a life full of unadulterated, divine & eternal happiness thus available.
People had now started to believe in the lad. Now there were lesser queues outsides churches, temples, mosques and so on. The monetary collections of all religious gangsters were showing decline, worldwide!
Very worried, the Gods exchanged thoughts amongst themselves and unanimously cursed this lad to be on an aimless wanderlust for his lifetime!
Gods are Gods & shall remain so probably ! There word started to work upon the lad’s mortal life.
The poor lad did not understood for several years that it a curse & conspiracy of the Gods' to punish him for his effort to give people freedom from a life bound by dead religious customs & verdicts !
The lad closed his eyes, thought for a moment. The thought of being CURSED was painful.
He raised his eyes towards the skies and with tears in his eyes told to the Gods' " If you all want so - SO IT WILL HAPPEN !"
And then he broke into laughter’s & giggles cuddling the Fallen Angel in his arms !
Since then the battle is on ! Gods' as ever are Gods'! And the lad is me - Jinesh Bhanu Jain; Alias Joker Johny !